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Tours Search

A magnificent experience: an unforgettable sunrise in a magical place!
4 Hours
Join us on an incredible sunset experience on the southwest coast of the island!
4 Hours

Madeira | Camping Experience

€195 / per person
Enjoy an unforgettable camping experience with dinner at sunset.
1 Day
An excellent opportunity to discover the unique beauties hidden in the middle of the Laurissilva forest, find viewpoints with incredible views, experience the adrenaline of off-road and preserve unique memories!
8 hours
VisitMadeira São Jorge Saturdays
Get to know the Sugarcane Mill "Engenhos do Norte", the "little houses of Santana" , the Boca das Voltas viewpoint and the towns and villages of the North!
8 hours
Mondays and Thursdays

Madeira | Jeep Tour East

€59 / per person
Admire the landscapes of our mountains both by car and on foot, passing by the traditional houses of Santana and passing by the classic sugar cane mill, ending with an incredible view of Ponta de São Lourenço!
8 hours
@Green Devil Safari Daily
A 4 x 4 adventure through the enchanted north-west of Madeira
8 hours
Paul da Serra - DRONE(Madeira)©DigitalTravelCouple.jpg.jpg Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays

Madeira | Jeep Tour West

€55 / per person
Pass through the beautiful paths of Paul da Serra, enjoying the Laurisilva forest and natural pools as well as observing the beautiful views of the deep valleys of Ribeira Brava!
8 hours
Caminho Real do Paúl do Mar©Luis Freitas Wednesdays

Madeira | Jeep Tour South

€55 / per person
Dont miss this 4x4 jeep tour to the ever so amazing south coast of Madeira!
8 hours
Jeep and Walking Tour
A rollercoaster of emotions that we want to give you, from the sea to the top of the island, a journey filled with surprises, stories of the local people, rich in curiosities that will take you to discover a Porto Santo that is much more than just a golden beach destination.
8 hours

Madeira | Jeep Central Safari

€40 / per person
Feel the experience trough the roads and woods of Madeira, where you will pass through several attractive and unique places as well as taste the typical traditional Madeiran poncha!
4 hours
An experience not to miss.
4 hours
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